I used to believe in destiny. I thought it was a very romantic notion; We are destined for each other! Some powerful force in the universe chose us for each other and we will be together for all eternity. I actually used to picture us (humanity) all in heaven- babies on fluffy, white clouds with Father Time and his scroll, sending us down when it was our time, "That one there, with the blond curls. She's next. And that boy there, with the brown skin. Oh, they'll be quite the controversial couple." He would clap his hands together excitedly at the pairing he'd just created: destiny. And we were together there, on those fluffy, white clouds. Us and our destinies. It was all decided... Anyway, I had this whole vision in my pretty little head. But wait a minute...what about my free will?
If you believe in destiny, there's obviously nothing wrong with that. It's a matter of opinion. I was actually quite sad when I moved from destiny to choice. There goes my romantic notion out the window. But then my wedding day happened, and it made all that sadness disappear.
I actually believe that there are probably hundreds of other men I could be compatible with on this earth. I believe the same for my husband; that there are other women he could have made a life with. But that thought doesn't sadden me.
On my wedding day, as I walked down the aisle and looked into my fiance's eyes, I knew I was choosing him and he, likewise, was choosing me. I was his choice! We both could have continued on our journeys and chosen someone else, but we didn't. And no powerful force brought us together. We brought us together.
It was part of the recipe that made my wedding day the best day of my life. How could I be nervous? This was my choice. Nobody elses.
I believe choice is more powerful than destiny. More romantic. Hello there, romantic notion. I'm glad you're back :-)
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