Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Rainbow on a Cloudy Day

I want to be a rainbow in your clouds :-)
Because I've had so many rainbows on cloudy days, cloudy moments....CLOUDY MONTHS! ;-)
And I appreciate them. More than those rainbow-givers will ever know :-)

And I want to give myself over to something bigger than myself each day, before I walk out the door.

Not because I don't trust myself. Not because I don't think my life is worth living without doing so.

Because I want to remember how insignificant I am. In this world full of people, I am one. And I want to be able, as only one small person, to make a huge difference.

How can I do that alone?

I can't.

And if I remember that I am not perfect; that I need help; that I will continue to learn and grow until the day I leave this earth and, most importantly, that the same goes for everyone else...I will be free.

So I will freely give out rainbows. And when I make mistakes, I will remember that the people around me, are rainbow-givers too :-) And I will smile.

Thank you Oprah and Maya Angelou

I feel, as an adult, most of my cloudy days come from guilt. From mistakes I have made, words I have spoken, things I have done, that I cannot take back. I dwell on them and they eat me alive from the inside.
That's why I feel it's so important for me, to focus on my intentions and the people around me. And I know that both are good :-) to the core.
So I have to let that guilt go...