Saturday, July 28, 2012

Don't be Jelly if you're stuck in Florida!!! Or the East Coast for that Matter ;-)

What a gorgeous morning!!!  The sunshine, cool breezes, and bustling activity in Playa Vista, a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, has inspired me to blog about our trip :-)  As long as I have internet access in Japan ;-) 
Exiting LAX last night, the first thing to greet me was a cool 63 degree breeze with no humidity...why Florida, WHY???  God, can we work out a deal with the currents please?  JP just gave me a wonderful explanation and Japan is going to be exactly like Florida...damn.
The plane ride flew by, but I'm worried the flight to Tokyo will not seem so quick ;-)  Poor Adam is already annoyed by my Small Potatoes song.  I told him he can blame Marcie ;-)  If you're curious about Small Potatoes here's a link.  But be warned, the song will be stuck in your head FOREVER!
Not sure what the plan for today is, but whatever it is I know I will enjoy.  I have a feeling Japan won't be so relaxing since we will be on more of a schedule.
The boys are sitting with me playing a game I could never hope to understand.  There are hot pink cards with chameleons.
"What is this game called?"  Adam answers.  
"Colorado?"  Adam answers again.
"Coloredo?"  Adam answers again, but JP holds up the card. 
Ah. "Coloretto."  Got it.  And yet I still don't ;-)
Laurel just got out of the shower and is doing her make-up.  When you take a shower in JP and Heather's bathroom, that has carpet that they want to tear out, Moet is your buddy.  He is a very old kitty, but so cute :-)  Orion is adorable too, and more lovey than Moet.  But I think it's the 10 year age difference between them ;-)
The Olympics are on JP's theater screen behind me.  It's tennis and one of the teams is Brazilian.  Brazilians and tennis???  Normally I associate them with soccer.  How close minded of me.  But I can say that because my best friend is Brazilian ;-)  No, but seriously, she is.
Side note: Laurel has amazing mental math skills and JP stands for Jean-Philippe, just in case you were wondering.
At the market this morning, I imagined buying some of the gloriously bright and beautiful sunflowers and bringing them home to put on the breakfast table in my house in California that doesn't exist.  Just in my imagination :-)  I just wish it wasn't so expensive here.  But a lot of people make it work, 37.7 million to be exact.  According to JP's smart phone ;-)
We walked to a coffee shop where I bought my coffee and oatmeal with bananas, raisins, and blueberries (Laurel just gave me my first bite of plum) I know your jaws are dropping if you know me.  FRUIT!!!!  I want to stay regular on this trip ;-)
Well I think this is all for now.  To sum it up, California's weather is awesome, Florida's sucks, and I want to poop on a regular basis.
Yep, that's it.
 Laters baby ;-)

Friday, December 30, 2011

As all the weight of her slight frame settled into the glass slipper and she lifted her other foot, ready to place it gently and easily into the other slipper, spotless, shimmering, transparent...pure, she was suddenly falling to the floor. Glass shattered and scattered in all directions. As she fell to one side her hands landed in the shards littering the wood floor. He watched her fall, it seemed, in slow motion. Running to her side, he reached for her shoulders, "Are you alright?" A stupid question he thought. Her hands and foot were clearly going to need stitches. Blood was everywhere, smeared all around her. Her ivory gown was like a dressing for her wounds, soaking up the dark red liquid. Her head was bent and her whole body shaking, probably in shock he thought as he reached for her chin. She grabbed his outstretched hand and looked at him, a wide grin on her face. He stared into her eyes, the color of deep, dark pools he always longed to swim in. And she continued to shake with laughter. "Hold still. We're going to have to get you to a hospital." Why was she laughing?
"I'm okay," she took a deep breath and smiled at him. He looked at her, uncertain. "I mean, clearly I'm not okay," and she winced as she lifted her hands for the air quotes, "but I'm okay, in here." Blood began to spread across the breast of her gown as she placed her hand over her heart.
"I don't understand," he was waiting for the tears and realization of her injuries to sink in. She reached for his face and he did not back away. She seemed to realize for the first time how bloody she was. "I'm sorry," and she quickly withdrew her hand.
"It's okay," he smiled. "We need to get you to a hospital." And he began to rise from his knees to head toward the phone, but she grabbed for him, crying out in pain, but refusing to let go. "I'm right here, I'm right here," he soothed, rubbing her shoulders.
"I need to explain," she said. He stopped and waited. He knew her, how stubborn she was. There was no point arguing. The sooner she let it out, the sooner he could call an ambulance. He had no idea how badly her foot was injured...
"I'm free."
He waited. She breathed and smiled.
"I'm free!" she exclaimed more loudly, so he was forced to lean back on the balls of feet.
"I still don't understand."
She waited and it looked like she was trying to find words.
"Cinderella was never meant to wear glass slippers. There's no such thing as the fairy tale." Again she looked at him and smiled. "There's just you and me and the imperfection is the perfection," she reached for the unbroken slipper, now coated with blood along the bottom and spattered across the top, "don't you see?" she asked holding the slipper out to him.
"I don't," he admitted, "but we have the rest of our lives for you to explain it to me and you need to get to a hospital. I can't believe you're not in agony yet."
She sighed and seemed to release something. Then she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "It is starting to hurt," she whispered.
"I know," he brushed her cheek and stood.
She watched him run quickly to the phone in his black tuxedo. He had probably cut his knees up, she worried. But he would be okay. And so would she. And she did have the rest of their lives. Happily and imperfectly ever after, she smiled :-)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

He had signed the papers. I remember they were blue, though so many other things from that time escape me. I remember the sun was still out. He was sitting on my stoop, signing angrily. I don’t know how he felt really. I could only go on my interpretation of his actions. He never really shared much with me.

I remember that I hoped we could talk. I loved him so much. It wasn’t real love of course; only what a sixteen year old knows. But I didn’t know that.

He handed me the papers and got up to leave. I was shocked. Couldn’t we talk? Wasn’t he the only one who understood? I was so alone.

“Please,” I begged him. I don’t remember if I was crying. He ignored me. I now imagine that this was very hard for him-- he was only seventeen.

He ignored my arms trying desperately to make him stop. Please, I need you. I can’t do this…

Looking back now I wonder if he had imagined us a family. If his heart was broken by the decision I was making. All I knew then was that I wanted him. I wanted him to hold me, to love me…to tell me that everything was going to be fine.

I remember falling; down to my knees I think. I tried to hold on to his calf, but it slipped through my fingers. I sat there, on the front lawn, and I cried. He got into his car and drove away.

After that, there is darkness.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Rainbow on a Cloudy Day

I want to be a rainbow in your clouds :-)
Because I've had so many rainbows on cloudy days, cloudy moments....CLOUDY MONTHS! ;-)
And I appreciate them. More than those rainbow-givers will ever know :-)

And I want to give myself over to something bigger than myself each day, before I walk out the door.

Not because I don't trust myself. Not because I don't think my life is worth living without doing so.

Because I want to remember how insignificant I am. In this world full of people, I am one. And I want to be able, as only one small person, to make a huge difference.

How can I do that alone?

I can't.

And if I remember that I am not perfect; that I need help; that I will continue to learn and grow until the day I leave this earth and, most importantly, that the same goes for everyone else...I will be free.

So I will freely give out rainbows. And when I make mistakes, I will remember that the people around me, are rainbow-givers too :-) And I will smile.

Thank you Oprah and Maya Angelou

I feel, as an adult, most of my cloudy days come from guilt. From mistakes I have made, words I have spoken, things I have done, that I cannot take back. I dwell on them and they eat me alive from the inside.
That's why I feel it's so important for me, to focus on my intentions and the people around me. And I know that both are good :-) to the core.
So I have to let that guilt go...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

These bruises you've given us...they will fade
These cuts on our cheeks...they will close
These bones that you've broken...they will mend
These physical scars...they will heal

But this...this part of us that you have stolen...

we want to be strong. We want to roar! We want to heal!

But this...this place...

You have taken something from us that we can't get back.

We don't know if this will heal.

We cry out in rage and then break down in desperation.

We would prefer death.